
Showing posts from March, 2022

Pages of Joy: Embracing the Advantages of a Reading Lifestyle

B ooks , a person can have a different reaction while reading this word. For book  lovers , it's music to ears; for people who hate books, it's a curse. For Generation Z it's mostly a curse. Not reading books is the new cool and reading books is considered boring. Most of us are alone today because of trust issues, misunderstandings, backstabbing, and the wrong standards of society. We don't even want to make friends because we're afraid of being left alone again. So why not have a friend that won't leave you alone. It will always be by your side, guiding you thoroughly in every phase. It will be there to comfort you, make you feel less alone on a Friday night, and tell you about adventures you have never heard of. It happens often when we are at our lowest we come across something that we can relate to completely; a quote, a text, or a video.  You can always relate yourself to a book character.  I know what you're thinking. You can also relate yourself to