Pages of Joy: Embracing the Advantages of a Reading Lifestyle

Books, a person can have a different reaction while reading this word. For book lovers, it's music to ears; for people who hate books, it's a curse. For Generation Z it's mostly a curse. Not reading books is the new cool and reading books is considered boring.


Most of us are alone today because of trust issues, misunderstandings, backstabbing, and the wrong standards of society. We don't even want to make friends because we're afraid of being left alone again. So why not have a friend that won't leave you alone. It will always be by your side, guiding you thoroughly in every phase. It will be there to comfort you, make you feel less alone on a Friday night, and tell you about adventures you have never heard of.

It happens often when we are at our lowest we come across something that we can relate to completely; a quote, a text, or a video. You can always relate yourself to a book character. 

I know what you're thinking. You can also relate yourself to a movie or a drama character but you cannot explain every single emotion in that. Some emotions are not expressible. They need to be written or spoken. You cannot get that with a movie. In a book, you come across every single emotion that the character is going through.

We're living in the 21st century where everything is digitalized and it's not a surprise that we have the digital form of books too. Kindles and e-books provide books with subscriptions. You can become a Kindle reader or an e-book reader. Kindle is one of the biggest platforms where you can read books and it's quite popular. 

Everyone has his own choice when it comes to reading books. You can read them online or you can buy books. I've seen people who love reading books online and at the same time people who hate it. Some people like to smell the books, feel their texture, and hold the book in their hands. These people want to have their own libraries that give them pleasure. A complete study filled with books of every genre. 

Some people also struggle with reading books because they don't find any good books. They don't have any good book recommendations. It's not that hard to find good books. You can search for books online, read their reviews, and get an overview of what the book is about and every little detail you need to have to be sure about the book. For example, this blog.

Here are a few book recommendations for those starting their book-reading journey:

The Inheritance Games

Percy Jackson

One can give you a million reasons why to read books, but here I am marking out only five.

1. Broadens your vision

When you read books of different genres, it helps you broaden your vision. It helps you become less judgmental. When you read someone's story it gives you the ability to feel his/her emotion and you become more kind. We never know what a person is going through, books help you understand that. For example, The Silent Patient helps you understand past traumas.

When you read books on war stories, it helps you understand what happened and what people went through at that time. Books by Khaled Hosseini give you recognition of Afghanistan's history.

A Thousand Splendid Suns

2. Enhance your vocabulary

A book has a vast range of vocabulary. You come across many new words and if a word comes many times you automatically memorize it and in no time you become silver-tongued. You come across many synonyms as well, for example, flustered could also be written as excited, aroused, moved, or upset. This is just one example, books hold an ocean of vocabulary knowledge.

3.  New Activity

We all like to spend a little alone time and we mostly spend it using our phones scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. We all want to change ourselves and become more productive. Book reading helps you overcome procrastination and find new hobbies. Readers adopt a new hobby every time they read a book.

4. Better writing skills

People who like to write can get a better idea of writing by reading books. Content writing or Creative writing is a very big phenomenon today and it's jam-packed with competition. The more you read, the more you improve your skills.

introduction to books

5. Change your point of view

Opinions come from experiences but mostly it's prejudice. The world is a huge spectrum and no matter how hard you try to explain something, there's always a loophole. But we forget that. By reading books of different genres, you get to have a broader look at your views whether it is political, humor, sarcasm, or life.

                  ''Think before you speak, read before you think''

                                                                          -Fran Lebowitz

Everyone must read books. They give you knowledge, intellect, ideas, and joy. A book has; comedy, sorrow, love, adventure, fantasy, ideas, action; literally everything in it. So why not give it a try. Why to read is important as it gives you the knowledge you never think you would have. Your cup will never be full, you'll always want more!

Here are some other reads for you!

The Hunger Games

The forty rules of love

Thirteen Reasons Why



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