
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

  If I had to describe beautiful and painful in a word, I would say The Kite Runner. Why? You'll know soon. The Kite Runner is Hosseini's first novel and an absolute masterpiece. These 300 pages hold the most terrifying, devastating, and bewitching story. If you want to read another heartbreak like this one, click here: A Thousand Splendid Suns THE KITE RUNNER SUMMARY : The book unfolds a tale of friendship, love, betrayal, and helplessness. It has even better plot twists and a gripping storyline. Amir lives with his father along with his two servants Ali and Hassan, another father and son in Kabul. They have their own little family but every family that looks happy and enchanting from far has cracks that can only be seen closely.  And those cracks which might seem insignificant at first make that family's living far too complicated.  Amir and Hassan are friends. Or should I say friends for Hassan? For Amir? He has a hard time realizing what Hassan is for him. After all, he

The Final Gambit: The Inheritance Games #3

  Did she succeed? Or will she succeed? Did Tobias Hawthorne have a bigger purpose for giving Avery his estate than just bringing his grandsons together?  We all now have an idea of what kind of a person Tobias Hawthorne was. Where will this rest of the year take Avery? A million questions and the answers lie in one book: The Final Gambit. The fog will be clear once in for all. To view the first two parts, click here: The Inheritance Games trilogy THE FINAL GAMBIT BOOK SUMMARY : So Avery is not Toby's daughter but in fact Ricky's. This did some emotional damage to Avery. Like all of us, Avery also had some hope that maybe she had a good father. A father who loved her mother dearly. But she was wrong. Eve is the one who is actually Toby's daughter and Toby decides to hide her from this life that he and Avery were a victim of. It all goes wrong when one day Eve shows up at the Hawthorne house to inform Avery that Toby has been kidnapped. And it is rather an odd kidnapping. Th