The Final Gambit: The Inheritance Games #3

 Did she succeed? Or will she succeed? Did Tobias Hawthorne have a bigger purpose for giving Avery his estate than just bringing his grandsons together? 

We all now have an idea of what kind of a person Tobias Hawthorne was. Where will this rest of the year take Avery? A million questions and the answers lie in one book: The Final Gambit. The fog will be clear once in for all.

To view the first two parts, click here:

The Inheritance Games trilogy

The Final Gambit


So Avery is not Toby's daughter but in fact Ricky's. This did some emotional damage to Avery. Like all of us, Avery also had some hope that maybe she had a good father. A father who loved her mother dearly. But she was wrong.

Eve is the one who is actually Toby's daughter and Toby decides to hide her from this life that he and Avery were a victim of.

It all goes wrong when one day Eve shows up at the Hawthorne house to inform Avery that Toby has been kidnapped.

And it is rather an odd kidnapping. The motive of the kidnapper is unknown, he either has some grudge against Toby, or he wants to get to Avery through Toby. Whichever one it is, Avery needs to find him.

Jameson and Avery continue their search on that strange disk that Toby had. Every clue leads to a dead end. 

And it all gets more complicated when the same disk is received by Avery from Toby's kidnapper. 

Whoever is behind the kidnapping is someone who knows the Hawthornes too well because the way he is playing the game is quite similar to the ones Hawthornes like to play.

Eve who looked exactly like Emily looked suspicious at first. A game proved it otherwise but can Avery really trust her? When she can see the effect Eve has on Grayson and Eve is also aware of it.

A hurricane of clues that lead to nothing and deadlines that could have disastrous results.

One last game, One final Gambit. One more mystery will decide Avery's fate forever.

Are you ready?


I am always the person who likes the last book in the series the most. Because it leads to an end, a conclusion. But this book was my favorite because it had the most humor. Or maybe the humor that I enjoy. 

All three books had unconventional endings which I enjoyed a lot. It's good when a book has everything and something of its own too. 

One more reason for liking this book is that it was truly a fiction and mystery book. There was a love story but it was not given more attention than the actual story. A balance was there which made this experience even better.

I was happy with how all the characters had their ends but not about Grayson. The book itself is great and should definitely be on your TBR but this last book destroyed Grayson's character for me. It explored a side of Grayson that we haven't seen but it threw me off.

The book is a great example of how a family should always stick together and that it's not bounded by blood but rather by love, respect, understanding, and forgiveness. 


1. "I found another entry to the passageways today," I said abruptly. "Oh, really?" Jameson replied, the verbal equivalent of holding out a hand at the beginning of a waltz. "Which one did you find?"
"Circular library."
On the other end of the phone line, there was a brief, but unmistakable silence. Realization dawned on me. "You didn't know about that one." Victory was so very sweet. 
"Would you like me to tell you where it is?" I crooned. "When I get back," Jameson murmured, "I'll find it myself."

(Chapter 2; Page 15)

2. No wonder he'd needed to get me out of the house. "You're a dead man, Hawthorne." Jameson cut the engine. "Fortunately, Heiress, Hawthorne men have nine lives."

(Chapter 4; Page 19)

3. "What is this?" I breathed. My sister bumped her shoulder into mine. "We're calling it the introvert's ball."
"There's no one here." I could feel my own smile building.
"Not true," Libby replied cheerfully. "I'm here. Nash turned his nose up at the fancy food and put himself in charge of the grill. Mr. Laughlin's running the Ferris wheel, under Mrs. Laughlin's supervision. Thea and Rebecca are stealing a super-stolen moment back behind the ice sculptures. Xander's keeping an eye on your surprise, and here's Zara and Nan!"

(Chapter 4; Page 20)

4. The leather was a deep, rich brown, and soft to the touch. The edges of the pages were slightly uneven, as though the book had been bound by hand.
"You'll want to start with a firm grasp of your financials. From there, think about the future, map out your time, and financial commitments for the next five years."
I opened the book. The thick off-white pages were blank.
"Write it all down," Grayson instructed. "Then tear it apart and rewrite it. Over and over again until you have a plan that works."

(Chapter 5; Page 23)

5. "You knew," Xander told me, more injury than accusation in his tone. I forced myself to meet his eyes. "I did."
"All those times playing Cookie Golf together, and you didn't think this was worth mentioning?" Xander pulled off a piece of pie crust and brandished it in the air. "This might have escaped your attention, but I happen to excel at keeping secrets! I have a mouth like a steal trap."
Max snorted. "Isn't the expression 'A mind like a steal trap,?"

(Chapter 9; Page 36)

6. "So if I'd told you that Toby had a daughter out there who looked exactly like Emily Laughlin, you wouldn't have told Rebecca?" I said, referring to Emily's sister and Xander's oldest friend.
"I definitely, one hundred percent, entirely . . . would have told Rebecca," Xander admitted. "In retrospect, good on you for not telling me. Excellent call, shows solid judgment."

(Chapter 9; Page 37)

7. "He liked testing us," Nash drawled. "Making the rules. Watching us dance." "Nash has granddaddy issues," Xander confided to Eve. "It's a tragic yet engrossing tale of-" 
"You don't want to be finishing that sentence, little brother." There wasn't anything explicitly dangerous or threatening in Nash's tone, but Xander was no dummy.
"Sure don't!" he agreed

(Chapter 14; Page 53)

8. "We need to confront her," Jameson immediately. "Talk to her- in person." "I'm going to have to veto that idea." Nash strolled toward Jameson, his pace unhurried.
"How does the classic proverb go?" Jameson mused. "You're not the boss of me? It's something like that. No, wait, I remember! It's You're not the boss of me, wanker."
"Excellent use of British Slang," Xander commented.
Jameson shrugged. "I'm a man of the world now."
"Jamie's right." Grayson managed to say that without grimacing. "The only way we'll get anything out of Skye is face-to-face."

(Chapter 14; Page 54)

9. "You're going to drop one of those on your foot," I said. "That's okay," Xander responded cheerfully. "I have two feet."

(Chapter 20; Page 73)

10. "I was born ready!" Xander brandished his shield. He smiled a very Xander Hawthorne smile, then let his bravado falter. "But before we go, group hug?"

(Chapter 58; Page 199)

A quote to remember:

"Invest, cultivate, create"

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