The Hunger Games

 If you're looking for something adventurous, action-packed, and a lot of drama, then this novel is for you. The Hunger Games trilogy is written by Suzanne Collins. The other known book by her is The Underland Chronicles. The trilogy includes; The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.

The novel has a female protagonist, Katniss Everdeen. It also has a movie. There are four parts, and the last book has two parts. The cast includes Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, and many others. Like all the other book-based movies, it lacks attention to detail and alters many things over the course. 

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The Hunger Games revolves around the story of a sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen making her way through a cruel life. She lives in Panem, an inhumane country filled with injustice, suffering, and torture.


Panem has a city called the capitol and twelve districts each of which specializes in a specific department and supplies them to the Capitol. The Capitol in return provides them with food, shelter, and protection. 

Districts one and two have the most luxurious lives among the districts and the quality of life lowers as you count the districts in ascending order. District twelve is the poorest and most underdeveloped district.

Katniss is a district twelve member. She lives there with her mother and a younger sister, Primrose Everdeen. District twelve specializes in coal mines and her father died while working in one of those mines due to an explosion.

Hunger Games is a tradition of the Panem where two tributes, a boy, and a girl are chosen from each district, they receive training for a while and then are taken to an arena where they have to use their skills and kill the other tributes. It's a game of survival. The game lasts until one tribute is left. He/ She wins the title of winner of the Hunger Games. The games have been going on for seventy-three years now.

It's the Capitol's way of telling the people of Districts that they are at the mercy of the Capitol. It is their way of entertaining the people of Capitol. If people go against it, they have punishments such as whipping, public beating, and the death sentence.


  • Children from the age of 12-18 must take part in the games.
  • Tributes are chosen on Reaping. 
  • Reaping takes place in the center of the town, it's the Hall of Justice for District 12.                                                                                     
  • All children should be properly dressed at the Reaping.
  • Tributes are chosen randomly from bowls of glass, one for boys and one for girls.
  • Children of age twelve enter their names once in the bowl. Children the age of thirteen enter their names twice. Thus those who are the age of eighteen have seven entries of their name in the bowl.
  • This number can increase in exchange for tesserae. Each tessera provides a grain and oil supply for a year for an individual.       
  • You can volunteer if the tribute chosen is close to you or is a family member that you want to protect.

This is the seventy-fourth Hunger Games and the year Katniss Everdeen's younger sister turns twelve. Prim is petrified that she might be chosen as a tribute. She gets nightmares about it. But her sister is always there to comfort her. 

After the death of their father, their mother lost her senses for a while. She stopped responding to Katniss a long time ago. Katniss got affected by it and stopped depending on her mother from the age of eleven and took care of her younger sister too. Prim has a cat too called Buttercup. Katniss hates the cat but tolerates her for the sake of her sister.

Katniss Everdeen hunts. It's against the rules but it's self-survival and due to a lack of security and poor development, the forest's fence never has electricity running through it. Each District has peacekeepers too that maintain law and order in the District. Most peacekeepers turn a blind eye to hunters because they always have an appetite for fresh meat. She hunts with her friend Gale Hawthorne who calls her Catnip. He called her that when she was young and just continued calling her that. 

It's the Reaping day. Katniss starts the day early and goes on a hunt with her best friend Gale. They hunt and chat while eating bread Gale was able to secure from the market. Gale suggests that they should run away with their families and live in the forest, away from all of this inhumane culture.

Katniss comes home to her sister fully dressed up for her first Reaping. Her mother suggests dressing her up and doing Katniss's hair and then they are off to the Reaping.

The woman representing the Capitol in District twelve is Effie Trinket. The escort for the tributes each year. Against all odds, Primrose Everdeen gets chosen as the female tribute from District 12. It is a stupefying and horrifying moment for Katniss. In a brief moment, the worst she had imagined had happened. 

Yes, she did it, she volunteered for her sister. The male tribute turned out to be Peeta Mellark who once gave half of a loaf of bread to Katniss and she remembers it all too well.

They say goodbyes to their families and are taken to the Capitol with absolutely no chance of winning. But Katniss makes a promise to her sister that she'll try and win for her.


The drill is that they'll be taken to the Capitol where they'll be given the best treatment. A training camp will be set up for the tributes for a few days and then their skills will be judged. They'll give their interviews and finally be taken to the arena where they'll have to fight to the death.


1. 'Look what I shot.' Gale holds up a loaf of bread with an arrow stuck in it, and I laugh. It's real bakery bread, not the flat, dense loaves we make from our grain rations. I take it in my hands, pull out the arrow, and hold the puncture in the crust to my nose, inhaling the fragrance that makes my mouth flood with saliva.

(Chapter 1; Page 7) (Poverty in District 12)

2. Each tessera is worth a meager year's supply of grain and oil for one person. You may do this for each of your family members as well. So at the age of twelve, I had my name entered four times. One, because I had to, and three times for tesserae for grain and oil for myself, Prim, and my mother. In fact, every year I have needed to do this. And the entries are cumulative, so now at the age of sixteen, my name will be in the reaping twenty times. Gale, who is eighteen and has been either helping or single-handedly feeding a family of five for seven years, will have his name in forty-two times.

(Chapter 1; Page 13)

3. 'You look beautiful' says Prim in a hushed voice. 'And nothing like myself,' I say. I hug her because I know the next few hours will be terrible for her. Her first Reaping. She's about as safe as you can get since she's only entered once. I wouldn't let her take out any tesserae. But she's worried about me, that the unthinkable might happen.

(Chapter 1; Page 15) (Sister's love)

4. 'It is both a time for repentance and a time for thanks.' intones the mayor. Then he reads the list of past District 12 victors. In seventy-four years, we have had exactly two. Only one is still alive. Haymitch Abernathy, a paunchy, middle-aged man, who at this moment appears hollering something unintelligible, staggers onto the stage and falls into the third chair. He's drunk. Very.

(Chapter 1; Page 19) (District's condition)

5. We turn back to face the crowd as the anthem of Panem plays. Oh well, I think. There will be twenty-four of us. Odds are someone else will kill him before I do. Of course, the odds have not been very dependable of late.

(Chapter 2; Page 33) 

6. She pulls her arm from my grasp, moved to anger herself now. 'I was ill. I could have treated myself if I'd had the medicine I have now.' That part of her being ill might be true. I've seen her bring back people suffering from immobilizing sadness since. Perhaps it is a sickness, but it's one we can't afford. 'Then take and take care of her!' I say.

(Chapter 3; Page 36) (Katniss and her mother's relationship)

Quote from the book:

"Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor"

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