The Inheritance Games book 1

 A single will from a rich old man and Avery's life is changed forever. Talk about an amazing plot and this book will come to your mind. The Inheritance Games is not standalone, it's a trilogy written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes and it is filled with adventure, thrill, suspense, and excitement.

The Inheritance games sequel is The Hawthorne Legacy and The Final Gambit is the last book in the trilogy and the latest is another book that is coming out in August 2023 about the Hawthorne brothers. You'll be looking forward to that release after reading this trilogy.

The inheritance games book 1 cover


The book starts with Avery, a sixteen-year-old independent girl who lives with her half-sister Libby. Libby has a boyfriend that Avery hates as he doesn't treat Libby the way she should be treated. 

In the beginning, we learn about Harry, a homeless man with whom Avery plays chess every day and if she wins he lets her buy him breakfast. This tradition has continued since her mother died. After her game, Avery goes to school and finds herself being questioned by her Principal for getting an A grade on her physics test.

According to her principal, she's a good student but not good enough to make a statement. Avery is offended by this and offers that she can retake the test right now if he likes. 

Avery did not want to bother her sister so she decided to keep this incident to herself and for good. She finds out that Libby's boyfriend is moving with them just when she thought it was all over. 

Avery decides to not support Libby's decision and says that she'll live in her car but not with him and just like that Avery was homeless. To be noted: Libby is not a bad sister, you can think of her as a people pleaser, as someone who does not like to offend and hurt others no matter how much they hurt her. She's selfless and Avery hates it.

We come to know of Avery's best friend Max who has strict parents that refuse to give her free access to the phone. But she is the only one Avery can talk to about anything.

Avery's life takes a complete 180-degree turn when the next day in school a gentleman comes to visit her. Avery was shocked to see her sister in the office with Principal Altman. 

The gentleman introduced himself as Grayson Hawthorne, the grandson of ever so-rich Tobias Hawthorne who had died recently. Apparently, Tobias left Avery something from his treasure as her name was mentioned in his will. And for the reading of that will was in Texas, for which Libby and Avery were given first-class tickets.

On reaching Texas, Libby, and Avery met Alisa Ortega, a lawyer from the firm that had Tobias Hawthorne's will. The Hawthorne house looked like a castle, actually one can consider it a castle. 

There at the will reading, Avery was introduced to The Hawthorne bunch. Tobias Hawthorne's mother-in-law, his two daughters Zara and Skye, and his four grandsons from Skye: Nash Hawthorne, Grayson Hawthorne, Jameson Hawthorne, and Xander Hawthorne, and might I add they all had different fathers.

Avery also met Andrew and Lottie Laughlin who had been with Tobias Hawthorne for ages. Here, between these very people Avery Grambs found out that Tobias Hawthorne left her his entire fortune. 

How Avery grasps that information and deals with it is indeed worth reading. That too when she finds out that the old man left her a mystery to solve along with his grandsons. 


I have always loved adventurous books as it is clear from my blog too. I loved the adventure, the suspense, and the mystery. If you are an impatient person, you might read this in a sitting. I loved Avery and Max's bond. Among the characters Xander and Max were my favorite. It had small chapters which I loved and the plot twists were AMAZING(insert the crying emoji). And let's face it, what happened with Avery is what we all have manifested at some point in our life or are still manifesting, which made this book so much fun and satisfactory.

It was not a typical manifestation either, the typical story that comes to our minds when we think of this plot. Overall, this book deserves five stars.


1. "Not a princess," I retorted, sliding one of my knights into place. "Your move, old man"

(Page 11; Chapter 1) 

2. I didn't even hesitate. "I'll take it."
    "That can be arranged tomorrow during the third period, but I have to warn you that this will go significantly better for you if-"
    Mr. Altman stared at me. "Excuse me?"
    Forget sounding meek. Forget being invisible. "I want to take the new exam right here, in your office, right now."

(Page 13; Chapter 1)

3. Most of our communication was written, and she refused to write curse words, lest her parents see them.
    So she got creative.
    I'm fine, I wrote back, and that was all the impetus she needed to unleash her righteous fury on my behalf.

(Page 16-17; Chapter 3) 

4. "A guy who thinks he knows everything," I muttered. "That's new."
    "A girl with a razor-sharp tongue," he returned, silver eyes focused on mine, the ends of his lips ticking upward.

(Page 19; Chapter 4)

5. "I have conversations. Lovely conversations. Quite frankly, that's how I ended up with four sons. Wonderful, intimate conversations with four fascinating men..."
    "I will pay you to stop right there," Grayson said, a pained expression on his face.

(Page 31; Chapter 7)

6. Mr. Ortega spoke over her. "Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars apiece, payable on their twenty-fifth birthdays, until such time to be managed by Alisa Ortega, the trustee."
    "What?" Alisa sounded shocked. "I mean... What?"
    "The hell," Nash told her pleasantly. "The phrase you are looking for, darlin', is what the hell?"

(Page 37; Chapter 9)

7. "The remainder of my estate," Mr. Ortega read, "including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, I leave to Avery Kylie Grambs."

(Page 38; Chapter 9)

8. "We can't afford rooms here."
    Alisa gave me an almost pitying look. "Oh, honey," she said, then recovered her professionalism. "You own this hotel."

(Page 43; Chapter 11)

9. "I wouldn't worry too much about Ms. Grambs," Grayson said, silver eyes sharp. "She's clearly capable of taking care of herself." Translation: I'm a soulless, gold-digging con artist, and he sees straight through me"

(Page 58; Chapter 16)

10. "Don't pay much attention to Gray," Jameson told me lazily. "None of us do." "Jamie," Nash said. "Zip it."

(Page 59; Chapter 16)

"Better the devil you do know than the devil you don't"

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