"As Good As Dead" Book Review

A sentence to describe As Good As Dead book? This is A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.

One last question mark and it will put an end to everything. One conundrum, a key to all solutions. At least for Pippa Fitz Amobi. This is A Good Girl's Guide to Murder Book 3: As Good As Dead.

As Good as Dead' Book Cover: Gripping Mystery Novel with Intriguing Design

As Good As Dead is the third book in the series, and it is the most mortifying, intriguing, and heartrending book. For Pip, solving Andie Bell's case didn't prove to be good. It started a chain of events, one after the other with each one landing Pip in a muddle deeper than the last one. As Good As Dead closes the chapter altogether. No more loose ends.


With Stanley AKA Child Brunswick losing his life, Pip lost something too: Happiness, peace, and life. Charlie took revenge and Pip now had to deal with the repercussions. Once again, deciphering a case, and losing something important. 

Like any other human being, Pip took it to heart too. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't get the image out of her mind. 

Stanley had given his life in front of her eyes. She had carried his body out of the fire in hopes of him still breathing. She had begged him to keep breathing. But Stanley didn't have anything to look forward to. For him, the idea of losing his life was identical to living his life.

And now Pip saw it everywhere. His open eyes, lifeless body, and blood. She heard the gunfire everywhere. In the happiest of moments and in the dark of the night. 

Pip came up with a quick fix for the problem. Just a little Xanax, to help her sleep. To help her forget Barney, Elliot, Charlie, and significantly Stanley. 

She didn't know who she was anymore. She attracted trouble. She had begun to fear losing any life attached to her due to her actions.

It hadn't gotten better with Max Hastings as well. Now Pip was the one with allegations of "harassing" and "terrifying" Max Hastings because of a tweet she made. Because of an audio, that she and Max both knew very well was true.

And when she thought it couldn't get any worse, it did. It could always get grim. Someone decided to stalk Pip. Dead Pigeons, strange emails, and uncanny figures. And as she had anticipated, no one believed her. 

Not her family or the police, the one person who in fact did believe her and always had was Ravi. He didn't question her mental health or indict her for being insane. Ravi knew Pip had always been right and he chose to give that the first priority. 

Once again and for the last time, Pip decided to solve a case. In this scenario, it was she who was the victim or was going to be. She decided to find this stalker who could be a serial killer too.

The signs that Pip was seeing of being stalked closely matched the ones a serial killer in Little Kilton used, named the DT Killer. The murders stopped right after Andie's death. 

She was unsure where to begin but had to choose between fear and solving the case. Evidently, she chose the latter.

This could be the end of Pip's problems or the end of her life.


(Sighs) Where to begin? This book is bewildering. All the books in the series are but this was dark. And that may become the reason for this book becoming your favorite. Remember in A Good Girl's Guide to Murder Book 1, I said that you were not ready for this book. I meant it.

This book starts off as any other book until we are told about Pip being stalked. Holly Jackson made it her mission to top the previous book and she succeeded. I cannot think of another way this book could have been better. It is unmistakably A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.

What happened with Pip was worse than any could have imagined. She had pure intentions and she had to pay the price every time. But the book provides an example of how good people can help you get through bad times.

Cara, Jamie, Connor, Naomi, and Ravi; all were there for Pip because Pip had been there for them. The story is traumatizing but it is blended exceptionally with humor and exquisite relationships which makes it all worth it. 

I do have a slight complaint. I don't get why Pip couldn't realize who the DT killer was. Maybe I feel that way because I cracked the code. But it was so easy. Right in front of her eyes. It's hard for me to believe that a girl like Pip wasn't able to connect the dots.

Keeping that aside, "As Good As Dead" is the perfect way to end a book series. People who have read the book might find it astonishing but I am saying this thinking of it as fictional. A 5/5 in any landscape.


1. "Pigeon pie for dinner?" he said. Yep, right on cue. Almost every other sentence from him was a joke now like he was working that much harder to make her smile these days. Pip relented and gave him one.
"Only if it comes with a side of mashed rat-ato," she quipped.

(Chapter 1; Page 10-11)

2. "Mr. Turner, Miss Fitz-Amobi, could we get your thoughts on those terms?" "Well," Roger began, "I think the-"
"No deal," Pip said, pushing her chair back from the table, the legs streaming against the polished floor.
"Pip," Roger turned to her before she could get to her feet. "Why don't we go discuss this somewhere and --"
"I will not retract my statement and I will not lie."

(Chapter 2; Page 19)

3. "Thank you for your unbiased advice, Mr. Epps," she said. "But it appears you have underestimated me, I would be willing to lose everything, destroy myself, if it also meant destroying your client. That seems a fair trade. Now you have a good day, Mr. Epps."

(Chapter 2; Page 21)

4. "But what do perves do? Josh stared up at Ravi, and for a fleeting moment, Pip wondered whether Josh knew exactly what he was doing, enjoying watching Ravi squirm on the spot.
"They, um..." Ravi broke off. "They watch people in a creepy way."
"Oh," Josh nodded, seeming to accept the explanation. "Like the guy who's been watching our house?"
"Yes. Wait ... No," Ravi said. "There isn't a perve watching your house." He glances toward Pip for help.
"Can't help you," Pip whispered back with a smirk. "Dug your own grave."
"Thanks, Pippus Maximus."
"Yeah, can we actually retire the new nickname," she said, launching a cushion at him. "Not a fan, can we go back to just Sarge? I like Sarge."
"I call her Hippo Pippo." Josh again. "She also hates that one."

(Chapter 3; Page 22-23)

5. An email had come through the form on her website. The same message again: Who will look for you when you're the one who disappears? From anonymous987654321@gmail.com. A different email address again, but the same exact message. Pip had been getting them on and off for months now, along with other colorful comments from trolls.

(Chapter 5; Page 39)

6. Pip could solve this case, save Jane Doe, but the most important point was that Jane Doe would save her.
One more case would do it, put everything right.
Just one more.

(Chapter 5; Page 42)

7. "Why is it when I'm on the shift, the whole fricki' circus turns up?" Cara said. "Do you guys think I'm lonely or something?"
"No, mate." Connor flicked her topknot. "We think you need the practice."
"Connor Reynolds, I swear to God if you order one of those iced pumpkin macchiatos today. I will murder you dead."
"Cara," Jackie called cheerily from behind the counter, "remember lesson number one: we don't threaten to kill customers."

(Chapter 6; Page 50)

8. "Quietly, though. I don't want Mr. Nosy coming down and getting involved." "Who's Mr. Nosy?" Josh's small voice followed them out the front door."
"I'm getting that kid some earplugs, I swear to god," Pip's mom whispered as they walked out onto the drive. "Right, yes, I see it. A headless pigeon, exactly as I imagined it. Thanks for the preview."

(Chapter 7; Page 54-55)

Quote of the Book:

"Just got to keep going."


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