The Hunger Games Mockingjay

 Catching Fire ended with a bang. It had an ending that no one expected. It is a book that has an unpredictable end. How do they survive? How do they both come out alive? 

Here are the other two parts:

Part 1: The Hunger Games

Part 2: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

You all would have predicted that District 13 exists, but the master plan they pulled off, that was unpredictable. They had everything, a good plan, timing, the right resources, and the right people. Even Katniss who didn't know anything about that game plan proved to be useful in it. 

Let's recall a few things before beginning the final part:

  • Katniss shot an arrow that destroyed the force field and the Capitol lost its connection to the arena.
  • Plutarch, the game maker was a part of this whole plan.
  • Katniss and some of the other tributes were saved.
  • Peeta, Johanna, and Anne became Capitol's hostiles.
  • District 12 is no more
  • District 13 lives.

This escape led to the rebellion, the uprising in Panem. People started riots and raised their voices for their rights and against this oppression. The uprising was not in all Districts. Some Districts that benefitted a lot from the Capitol were afraid to raise their voices as they would lose their luxuries.

While for the rest, Katniss became a symbol of hope, a Mockingjay for the people of Panem. They started believing that they could be free from the Capitol's torment with a bit of courage and persistence. 

The Hunger Games Mockingjay

When Katniss wakes up and comes to know that she is in District 13 and Peeta's not she needed time to process that. She was angry with Haymitch as well as he was supposed to save Peeta. 

After a few days, Katniss gets a tour of District 13 from army general, Boggs. She was called by the President of District 13, Alma Coin who lost her husband and daughter in an epidemic. Katniss gets to know how District 13 survived. District 13 was military, so they survived underground, and is the capital aware of it? Yes, they're very much aware. 

Peeta, who's hostile is interviewed by Caeser Flickerman and he looks tortured. He speaks in favor of the Capitol and asks people to stop this rebellion and live in peace and harmony. He also clarifies that Katniss and I had no idea that games were going to be destroyed like that.

Katniss comes to know that President Coin wants her to be the face of the rebellion, someone who can ask the people to come forward and fight for their rights. As expected, Katniss rejects it.

As known, Katniss is very stubborn, so to make her work for the right thing you have to show it to her. The in-charge people decide that she should visit District 12 and get a look at what the Capitol has done to her home.

So Katniss along with Gale and some army people and a camera team get on a plane to visit District 12 or the remains of District 12. Gale was there when it all happened. Katniss gets an idea of what the Capitol has done and is going to do to the rest of the districts, so she agrees but on her own terms.

The master plan was being made for a very long time. The costume for Katniss's Mockingjay look was designed by Cinna who was killed brutally by the Capitol. Effie gives it to Katniss who was also convinced to help District 13. 

They start the campaign in a very planned manner, with Katniss speaking into a camera, and then it will be edited and sourced to the Panem network. Haymitch who knows Katniss a little too well suggests that Katniss is spontaneous, she's a spur-of-a-moment kind of girl and that's what they need to preserve and made useful. 

So they make her visit different affected areas, and she gets to meet people and realizes how famous she is among people. She visits a hospital in a district and Snow comes to know of it and sends people to destroy the Hospital that triggers Katniss and District 13 gets the footage they wanted. They telecast it to the entire Panem. 

The story teaches you that what is bound to happen will happen, no matter how hard you try.


1. Every morning, you're supposed to stick your right arm in this contraption on the wall. It tattoos the smooth inside of your forearm with your schedule for the day in a sickly purple ink: 7:00- Breakfast--7:30- Kitchen duties--8:30- Education Center, Room 17, and so on. The ink is inedible until 22:00- Bathing.

(Chapter 2; Page 17-18) (District 13 routine)

2. ''It costs your life.'' says Caeser.
 ''Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your life. To murder innocent people?'' says Peeta. ''It costs everything you are.''
''Everything you are,'' repeats Caeser quietly.

(Chapter 2; Page 23) (Peeta's interview)

3. ''Cinna'' I whisper.
''Yes. He made me promise not to show you this book until you'd decided to be the Mockingjay on your own. Believe me, I was very tempted,'' says Plutarch.

(Chapter 3; Page 43) (Cinna's design)

4. ''Who took you?'' I press her.
 ''People,'' she says vaguely. ''The night you broke out.''
 ''We thought it might be comforting for you to have your regular team,'' Plutarch says behind me. ''Cinna requested it.''
''Cinna requested this?'' I snarl at him.

(Chapter 4; Page 48) (Katniss's prep team)

5. There's something else. I have to hold very still to make sure I'm not imagining it. No, the bow is alive in my hands. I press it against my cheek and feel the slight hum travel through the bones of my face. ''What's it doing?'' I ask.
''Saying Hello,'' explains Beetee with a grin. ''It heard your voice.''
''It recognizes my voice?'' I ask.

(Chapter 5; Page 69) (Katniss's costume)

6. ''They were Katniss's,'' says Gale quietly. ''No one told her what to do or say.''
''Unscripted, yes!'' says Beetee. He reaches over and pats my hand. ''So we should just leave you alone, right?'' People laugh. I even smile a little.

(Chapter 6; Page 75)

Quote from the book:

"Remember, girl on fire. I'm still betting on you"

How Katniss saves Peeta and the People of Panem from the Capitol? It's a rollercoaster ride! A similar rollercoaster ride is this book: Red Queen


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