The Hawthorne Legacy: The Inheritance Games book 2

 So it wasn't that easy to inherit that big an estate. Avery's life was never going to be the same, everyone knew that but we didn't expect it to be this complicated. Welcome to The Hawthorne Legacy.

Is The Hawthorne Legacy a sequel? Yes, it is. It's the second book in The Inheritance Games trilogy. A perfect and even more intriguing sequel. 

Who is Harry AKA Tobias Hawthorne, the only son who was assumed to be dead in a fire? After solving the Rachel mystery, Avery is onto the next one with everything probably ten times more difficult than the last time.

Here's the first part:

The Inheritance Games

The Hawthorne Legacy (The Inheritance Games #2)


One thing at a time? There is no time for that in this book. Everything overlaps and EVERYTHING must continue forward. Avery's debut, her year at the Hawthorne house, the triangle between Grayson, Avery, and Jameson, and last but not least, the mystery of Harry AKA Toby's disappearance.

After seeing Harry's picture in Nan's locket, Avery questions everything. One thing that she knew for certain was the fact that Harry was in fact Tobias Hawthorne the second. 

But why did he lie? Why did he show up right after her mom died? Was he the father? 

Avery decides to solve the mystery along with Jameson with whom things were even more complicated. 

While Avery is tangled with a million questions in her mind, she is forced to attend the NFL game by her lawyer Alisa. Avery does not have a choice because she owns the team and given the current state of events, it was more than necessary to make public appearances. Skye's exit from the Hawthorne house had raised many questions.

Avery is astonished to see an NFL game from the owner's suite, the presence of the most powerful people in that room adds to the anxiety. Avery experiences a panic attack due to the murder attempt on her by Skye Hawthorne.

Adding to that, Xander the youngest Hawthorne brother is also acting weird. With Rebecca and Thea, Xander is working on something that Avery does not know about.

Things get tenser between Avery and Grayson as well. More than that, Skye has started seeing Ricky, Avery's father (Real or not, you'll find out) and from the looks of it, they are planning something that may become another problem for Avery.

With things piling on like this, will Avery be able to solve the mystery of Harry and figure out the rest of this horrendous yet adventurous year.

Looking for a dystopian read?


The Hawthorne Legacy Book Review:

I enjoyed the first book, this book on the other hand gave me trauma (Not in a negative way). The last ten chapters had twists and chaos that I cannot explain. I needed time to process this book.

I liked Avery's character growth as well. Max and Xander were still my favorite characters. I wish the books had more of Libby, their bond was very sweet.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I am not a fan of Grayson or Jameson. Both of their personalities felt like too much. Unclear on what they want. Avery's still trying to process the drastic change and it might take her a century to get over something that twisted. The Inheritance Games and now The Hawthorne Legacy both had unexpected and unconventional endings. 

Jennifer Lynn Barnes did a great job of balancing the traditional as well as adding something new to her writing.

Overall this was a five-star read.


1. My brain pretty much stopped functioning when I heard the phrase "Her Highness" and realized there was actual royalty in attendance. Alisa must have sensed that I was reaching my limit. "It's almost time for kickoff," she said, laying one hand lightly on my shoulder-probably to keep me from fleeing. 
"Let's get you in your seat."

(Chapter 4; Page 22)

2. Before Xander could answer, Jameson strolled up to join us. "Looks like a party." He reached for the sledgehammer. "Shall we?"
Xander pulled it back. "Mine."
"The sledgehammer," Jameson replied loftily, "or what's behind that wall?"
"Both," Xander gritted out.

(Chapter 7; Page 35-36)

3. "Can you just wait in the hall?" I asked Eli. "If I want to be out of a job," he replied gamely, "Sure."

(Chapter 10; Page 45)

Secret, lies,
All I despise.
The tree is poison,
Don't you see?
It poisoned S and Z and me
The evidence I stole
Is in the darkest hole.
Light shall reveal all
I writ upon the...

(Chapter 12; Page 50)

5. I could do this. I could be a good little heiress celebrity. I could refrain from rolling my eyes. "What are 'no' questions?"
"They are questions that you can answer in a single word, most typically no. If you can't spin a question around to a talking point, or if talking too much will make you look guilty, then you need to be able to look the interviewer in the eye, and without sounding the least bit defensive, give her that one-word answer. No, Yes, Sometimes."

The way she said those words sounded so sincere- and she hadn't even been asked a question.

(Chapter 16; Page 63)

6. "He can't talk until I cease On Spake, (Anagram for 'no speak') Jameson told me. "Let's just cherish the sound of silence for another moment."
A vein in Grayson's forehead pulsed. "Come on," I told Jameson.
He blew out a long breath. "Cease On Spake."

(Chapter 17; Page 69)

7. "I'll introduce you," Alisa told me. "Help me," I mouthed at Max. "I would," she whispered, "but there's a waiter who just walked by, and he's carrying shrimp."

(Chapter 32; Page 114)

8. "Maxine." Xander offered my best friend his most charming Xander Hawthorne smile. "There's nothing I admire more than a woman who makes liberal use of air quotes. May I ask: What are your feelings on robots that sometimes explode?"

(Chapter 38; Page 132)

9. "Do we have anything else to go on?" Rebecca asked. "Any particular wording in the prior clue?"
"Very good, Young Padawan." Xander bowed toward her.
"No Star Wars references," Thea shot back. "Listening to you talk geeky gives me a migraine."
"You knew I was quoting Star Wars." Xander gave her a triumphant look. "I win!"

(Chapter 38; Page 132-133)

10. "You Hawthornes and your invisible ink," I said, shaking my head. "Will we need anything except the powder?" 
"A makeup brush," Zara answered immediately. Then the boys chimed in, all four of them in unison: "And a heat source."

(Chapter 67; Page 229)

A special quote:

“Est unus ex nobis. Nos defendat eius."

She is one of us. We protect her.”


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